You can click here to review our sustainability report.

3Teks; It leads the industry as the first manufacturer of disposable sterile surgical drapes and gowns in the field of medical textiles. We produce by fulfilling our environmental responsibility, in line with our principles of cleanliness, meticulousness and follow-up. We attach importance to the opinions of our internal and external stakeholders; We develop innovative solutions that comply with the principles of economic, social and environmental sustainability.

We aim to add value to our leadership in the medical textile industry with sustainable production practices. We contribute to minimizing hospital infections with our environmentally friendly production that complies with high hygiene standards, and we aim to be a company that makes a difference in sustainability and health on a global scale by constantly innovating to create a clean and healthy environment for future generations.

We continue to create value for our stakeholders with operational efficiency and continuous development, in a structure that embraces sustainable growth principles. In addition to high awareness of social and environmental issues, we carry out our activities with an inclusive approach and embrace sustainability at the Board of Directors level. We create the necessary structure to measure and minimize our carbon footprint at regular intervals, and we show sensitivity to environmental issues in all of our business processes.

We are committed to contributing to sustainable development goals with our ethical, fair, transparent and legal business conduct by evaluating economic, social and environmental impacts. We create and constantly improve the necessary management systems to minimize risks and manage them correctly. We continue our work with a corporate structure that is aware of our economic, social and environmental responsibilities.

Success is the greatest happiness…